How important is HEATING and COOLING when blow-drying your hair?

How important is HEATING and COOLING when blow-drying your hair?

How important is heating and cooling when blow-drying your hair.

It's not just your hair-dryer, it's your hairbrush too, damaging and scorching your hair.

Hot hair dryers not only cause an uneven flash drying effect that removes surface moisture, but it also removes the internal moisture in the hair. The cuticle becomes dry and brittle, when the hair is shaped this causes the cuticle to crack, which can cause breakage when simply brushing the hair. Most brushes today are damaging as some hairdryers when blow-drying. The metal barreled brush does retain heat while having direct contact with the hair. 

We have tested many hair dryers and have shown that temperatures are not evenly distributed from the nozzle.  For example, we recently tested a hair dryer and found the temperature on one side of the nozzle reached 248f but on the other side only reached 80f. How do you think this is affecting your hair when blow-drying ?

You often find articles regarding hot hairdryers and even heat styling brushes but never are the two combined. Both cause scorching, color fading and limp lifeless hair.

The most  with common brushes, being aerators with metal barrels for heat styling were designed to increase and retain heat. This can spell disaster for all hair types. It is suggested when using this type of brush on wet or damp hair, the hot air passes through the damp section, through the holes and out the other side, speeding up drying time. Something to think about, how efficiently can air pass through both the hair and holes on the barrel, you need more heat to make this effective which means you are heat damaging the hair. 

Hotheads® hair brushes with proven benefits, functions, and design features.

Our patented CAPTIVE ENDS® speed up drying time by compressing , controlling and directing the air over the brush being the most efficient concept to speed drying reducing severe heat damage.

Our 3D BRISTLE PATTERN® allows the hair to float on a cushion of bristles preventing direct contact with a hot barrel surface preventing heat damage.

Our patented THERMAL CONDUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY™ moderates the heat between the CAPTIVE ENDS® moderating heat with the ability to cool 30% faster giving you a stronger longer lasting style, saves time and prevents damage to the hair. 

Today with all the hair coloring, bleaching and other chemical services being performed it's more important than ever to consider the brush you select when heat styling.

We have completed an independent study confirming the heating and cooling concepts which are mentioned above on the HOTHEADS® styling brushes.

                     Healthy hair begins here when blow-drying.

                              When Healthy Hair Matters.


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