HAIR: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW — Blow-drying brush

"TIPS & TRICKS" to improve my blow-drying experience. OCT 24

Best Brush blow drying and how it affects hair color Blow drying your hair blow-dry styling Blow-drying brush Blow-drying hair Blow-drying tips brushing hair curly unruly hair types Healthy Hair healthy scalp heat damage from extremely hot dryers. HOTHEADS® How to eliminate FRIZZ improve growth and density preventative approach to styling Reduce your drying time in half smoothing hairbrush STRAIGHTENING BRUSH

"TIPS & TRICKS" to improve my blow-drying experience. OCT 24

TIPS & TRICKS to improve my blow-drying experience Hair Types and suggestions on improving your Blow-Drying   Here are some of the MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and SOLUTIONS.  Q. FINE HAIR: How do I create VOLUME and maintain the Volume when blow-drying?                     Place the brush so the roots are lifted up for increasing volume.   A. When you Blow-Dry your fine hair for VOLUME, in some cases it remains FLAT this could be because your hair is too healthy or too Damaged. Some fine healthy hair doesn’t hold volume well as...

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SELF CARE HAIR as SUMMER winds DOWN update Aug 2024

Best Brush Better Balance Reduced Fatigue Blow-drying brush Boar bristle Brushes Carpal Tunnel Synrome Color fading Ease of use and SPEED Fall Hair FALL Hair Care Healthy Hair HOTHEADS Hair Brushes Less Fatigue Prevent heat damage Reduce your drying time in half Self Care Hair Care

SELF CARE HAIR as SUMMER winds DOWN update Aug 2024

                     SELF CARE HAIR as SUMMER winds down;                        GOING OUT into the WORLD once AGAIN  This can be your hair’s most critical time after summer’s carefree approach due to SUN, SALT, CHLORINE, SAND and WIND.  Chemically treated can be left feeling SUPER DRY and LIFELESS. Here are a few tips on rehabilitating your hair this time of the year. Re-access your shampoo if you have been using one with UV protection, chlorine, salt remover or deep cleansing,  it’s time to...

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Prepare your hair for BLOW-DRYING

Best round brush for blow-drying Blow drying your hair blow-dry styling BLOW-DRYING and how it affects HAIR COLOR Blow-drying brush Blow-drying FRIZZY HAIR Blow-drying hair Blow-drying tips Conquering FRIZZ Demonstrate blow-drying for curls frizz free frizzy hair HAIR BRUSH Healthy Hair HELP PREVENT COLOR FADING when BLOW-DRYING overheating/burning your hair reducing your drying time

Prepare your hair for BLOW-DRYING

HOTHEADS SPEED BRUSHES                                                                                      THE PROFESSIONAL WAY TO PREPARE YOUR HAIR FOR BLOW-DRYING Your BLOW-DRY is the foundation of what should be a GREAT hair day.                              PREPARING your hair for the BLOW-DRY is as IMPORTANT as the Results. After shampooing and conditioning ,towel dry, possibly with a microfiber towel  for more efficient results. Then apply your styling products comb or brush through for even distribution. There are two basic types of styling products, those with starch (sticky) to help create volume or those with glycerin/ silicone (slippery) for smoothing...

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What type of Hairbrush Bristles are good for Blow-drying my Hair

3D BRISTLE PATTERN® Best Brush blow drying and how it affects hair color Blow drying your hair Blow-drying brush Blow-drying FRIZZY HAIR Blow-drying hair Boar bristle Brushes brushing hair combating heat damage comfortable to hold curly unruly hair types dry faster less heat frizzy hair GENTLE TOUCH 3D Bristle Pattern HAIR BRUSH heat damage of hair Natural bristle brush Prevent heat damage REDUCE HEAT DAMAGE Smoothing Brush smoothing hairbrush STRAIGHTENING BRUSH

What type of Hairbrush Bristles are good for Blow-drying my Hair

    Designing a hairbrush BRISTLE PATTERN Revised  Designing a hairbrush BRISTLE PATTERN that helps give you healthier, shinier hair.                                      3D BRISTLE PATTERN® For ALL HAIR TYPES  Creating a bristle pattern which offers you frizz free, fuller, smoother, shiner hair when blow-drying. It will improve your knowledge, skills, and blow-drying performance. Feel more confident about your blow-dry and your hair.                                             Designing a bristle pattern for a brush should have the basic characteristics built into the bristles. This includes the bristle combination,...

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3D BRISTLE PATTERN® Adjustable Tensions™ Blow drying your hair Blow-drying brush Blow-drying tips Boar Bristle Brush Boar bristle Brushes coanda effect combating heat damage combination of bristle type different bristle types fine fragile hair Fine hair frizz free frizzy hair hair blow-dryer brushes HOTHEADS Hair Brushes hotheads styling brushes HOTHEADS® How to clean my boar bristle brush How to clean my hair brush improve your experience when blow-drying


              WHAT TYPE OF BRISTLE BRUSH IS GOOD FOR MY HAIR?                            NOT ALL HAIRBRUSHES are ONE SIZE FITS ALL.     BOAR BRISTLE and URTHEONE BRISTLE brushes are for those who are looking for SHINY, HEALTHY, MANAGEABLE HAIR. The structure of a boar brush has a core of wood or other materials used as the backbone with BRISTLE tufts inserted into either straight rows or cork screwed at various degrees of twist this helps create better EASE of USE, SMOOTHNESS, VOLUME and SHINE.  What to look for in a boar...

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