Great hair brushes are built bristle by bristle.

Great hair brushes are built bristle by bristle.

                Great hair brushes are built bristle by bristle.       



"Three bristles types are better than one"  Giving you versatility for all hair types.

Our unique  3D BRISTLE PATTERN® design features:

Natural firm black boar bristles which create a firmer tension allowing for more control. Plus the ability to adjust the tensions on a section of hair while blow-drying from roots to ends, without causing breakage or split ends. 

Natural soft white boar has a softer more flexible less rigid which adds a high glossy shine. A flexible nylon allows for easy penetration, detangling wet or dry hair, plus helps  engage the hair section easily.

An important factor in creating an improved experience with a brush is not only in the bristles, but also the density, curvature of the bristle rows, bristle tip shape, plus staggering of the bristles.  Staggering means the hair can easily fall into the bristles creating instant grip  and tension. When the bristles are too compact and flat the hair does not fall into the bristles therefore reducing grip tension. 

The bristles tips are designed with an irregular shape which means each tuft can penetrate the hair section with ease. See above image.

The curvature of the rows being is slightly twisted will give the brush the ability to handle smoothing with ease but also volume when required. This configuration creates a micro texture when hair is rolled around the brush for mega volume.

The hair floats on a cushion of bristles preventing the hair from having direct contact with the barrel of the brush. Helping prevent burning and scorching from hot dryers reducing heat damage. 

Great hair brushes are built bristle by bristle.

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