Q: WHAT is Hair Brush Therapy?

A: Hair Brush Therapy has 2 parts what you see and feel, (the hair shaft) and the internal part which you don’t see the root area beneath. Both can be improved with Proper brushing technique.

Hippocrates the founder of medicine’s quote “That which is used develops, that which is not used wastes away” Today we say “use it or lose it”!

We constantly see and hear commercials about brushing our teeth every day, 2 or 3 times a day to prevent issues.

Q: Why the HOTHEADS® Brushes?

A: Simply improving your hair and scalp health, brushing can give you a wonderful massage calming you and invigorating your hair and scalp. We recommend this before bed time as we all know we heal more when we are sleeping then during our waking hours.

The best technique is to brush against the direction the hair grows from the scalp, maybe even bending over and brushing from the nape area forward while slightly rotating the brush head towards the brush direction with each stroke.

Another important time to brush is prior to shampooing this will remove tangles, when hair is wet it swells which will make the knots tighten, not a good thing.

You will need less shampoo which will distribute better, brushing(combing) the conditioner through the hair while it is on, adds a slip and is the best way to remove tangles and knots then rinse.

The best technique for very fragile hair like children or thinning hair is to detangle from the underside of the hair. Most damage is concentrated on the top area of one’s hair, by brushing from under side you engage only a small amount of the bristle reducing the pulling and of course from the ends in to the roots which prevent breakage.

Detangling from the under side of the hair

Daily brushing helps exfoliate the scalp of debris, product build up environmental pollutants from both hair and scalp. Brushing can also help regulate an excessively oily scalp as the simple action of brushing will remove oils and redistribute them through to the ends conditioning with your own natural oils helping reduce static resulting in shinier hair. When you increase the blood Flow microcirculation you may help regulate the sebaceous gland activity.

The Best Brush Structure

First consider the bristles, the pad shape and finally the over all brush shape.

Most pads are made from rubber which can range from flexible and supple to rock hard, choose the most suitable for your needs they can also have various shapes, the best shape for this function is the long oval.

Best shape for this function is the long oval.

Bristling is very important, we suggest a mix of a soft flexible nylon mixed with natural boar. Bristle length is important less flexible will not penetrate easily. An all nylon bristle brush is not the answer as a combination of natural boar fibers and nylon is best. The combination allows for easy penetration and the natural texture of the boar makes them best for removing buildup of styling products, removing flakes and helps absorb natural oils which can be redistributed to the ends nylon on its own does not have this ability.


3 Bristles are better than 1


If the hair is of normal density or thicker, a combination of nylon as support adds a dimension to the boar allowing penetration to the scalp easier. Do remember if the nylon bristles are too sharp on the ends it can cause an irritated scalp.

Brush bristle density be aware when choosing a proper paddle brush, if the bristle tufts are too dense and cut flat on the top this will prevent the brush’s ability to stimulate the scalp correctly.

Natural bristles tend to be slightly irregular in thickness and height and when mixed with the correct nylon tip profile will give you a better action for both the hair and scalp.

How to find the correct feel of a brush for your personal needs.


One final note it’s seems one thing that everyone agrees on, that improving the blood flow microcirculation  important for a healthy scalp and better quality hair.

careful brushing your hair and scalp nightly may improve how you feel and look.

MORE INFO at www.hotheadshairbrush.com


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