HAIR: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW — Arthritis in Hands
How does SLIP and GRIP influence the performance of a styling brush?
Arthritis in Hands Best Brush Better Balance Reduced Fatigue Blow-drying brush Ease of use and SPEED Healthy Hair HOTHEADS Hair Brushes Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Reduce drying time
The term SLIP refers to the movement of the brush through a section of hair with little TENSION. Usually this type of bristle pattern is less dense allowing the hair to SLIDE easily through and are made with nylon bristles. The term GRIP refers to the bristles ability to grasp the hair with very little effort, this concept can be designed to be extremely grippy or as some people say sticky on the hair. 3D BRISTLE PATTERN® can be adjusted to any degree of GRIP that one desires and is built into the bristle configuration. Generally, the more the bristles...
HAIR BRUSH STORIES BLOG: Another great reason to use a HOTHEADS Hair Brush.
Arthritis in Hands Better Balance Reduced Fatigue Carpal Tunnel Synrome Healthy Hair How to eliminate static Paddle Brush Tendinitis
HAIR BRUSH STORIES Another great reason to use a HOTHEADS® Hair Brush for styling and detangling. QUESTION: Jamie: " I have a really hard time doing my hair. Both my hands have Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel I have Arthritis as well. I thought this might help me to be able to style my hair." Our Reply: " Thank you for your inquiry we have had some positive feedback from users on the comfort and ease of use of these brushes." After sending a Speed brush and a Grooming Paddle PLUS below is Jamie's' review. "I used the medium HOTHEADS® Speed...
Do you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Reasons why and how to Prevent it.
Arthritis in Hands Better Balance Reduced Fatigue Prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms burning, numbness, tingling in hands and or achy swollen hands and arms? This condition is known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Let’s discuss why the weight of a brush Pros / Cons is SO important to your health as a stylist. It seems we as stylists have been sold on the concept of using weightless brushes sound’s good BUT does this really work for your long-term health? This is a discussion sadly lacking in our Industry today PREVENTION. I was fortunate enough to work for a stylist that had all these...