Detangling and conditioning damaged or thinning hair
Detangling and conditioning Damaged or Thinning hair
Before wetting the hair, brush or comb through, this is very important as we know water makes the hair swell, tightening the knots and tangles. This can result in breakage and stress on the roots. You will find you’ll need less product, shampoo, conditioner as well.
To detangle we always suggest to start from underneath you may ask why you will noticed that most of the tangles are concentrated near the top surface of the hair usually about 1 inch from the part. This is mainly caused by exposure to the elements, styling products or hot styling tools. The underside of the hair is usually protected and is in better condition, therefore there is less tangles and knots.
By combing or brushing from the underside the bristles or combs' teeth will penetrate through the hair and slightly protrude through the top section. The bristles have more flexibility at the tips giveing you a gentler detangling from the ends to the roots. An ideal approach when dealing with children’s hair.
We suggest allowing the hair to drop onto the brush with its own weight wet or dry then pull towards the ends moving up with each section until you reach the roots. Try rotating the brush slightly towards you while working through the section.
Conditioners have two functions, they tighten the cuticle and seal the surface of the hair. Usually when they are slightly acidic they reduce static. and detangle.
Most people rinse off the shampoo then apply the conditioner, leave it on for 2 to 3 minutes then rinse and comb the hair. This is not effective if you have fine fragile or thinning hair as it will only tighten tangles causing breakage.
Apply the conditioner with your hands, work through, with a wide tooth comb or brush through to the ends. Try not to apply to the roots as they tend to be in better condition and do not need any conditioning to weight them down or congest the follicles especially if you are thinning or want volume.
It's very important to rinse thoroughly not leaving any residue of product on the scalp or hair.